Cluster Access
Set up network connectivity (wireguard)
As clusters use private networking and the K8s API isn’t publicly accessible, we use wireguard to connect.
The wireguard config is available using the bi
[bix] bi vpn config $CLUSTER_NAME
That config will need to be saved to /etc/wireguard
so that wireguard can read it. e.g.
bi vpn config $CLUSTER_NAME | sudo tee /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf
Then the interface can be brought up.
wg-quick up wg0.conf
The path to the K8s config file is also available using the bi
[bix] bi debug kube-config-path $CLUSTER_NAME
That can be used either as an env var or kubectl
# env var
KUBECONFIG=$(bi debug kube-config-path $CLUSTER_NAME) kubectl cluster-info
# flag
kubectl --kubeconfig=$(bi debug kube-config-path $CLUSTER_NAME) cluster-info