
Running a Release

This shit should be automted but for now this is not too hard. Since it was only in my head this is a better place.

  • Take note of the current version in the repo. That is the version that we’re going to release
  • run bix set-version <YOUVERSION+1>
  • Send the resulting code change as a pull request. Title it chore: prepare for <YOURVERSION+1> or something like that. This will be the first commit in the next release/changelog.
  • land the pull request
  • After it lands git pull/git fetch and find the last commit before the prepare commit.
  • Create the tag by taking the above commit’s sha and runing git tag -a <YOURVERSION> <YOURSHA>
  • Push that tag to github via git push origin tag <YOURVERSION>
  • Verify that github actions for release run and the github release is there